
Temple of Hatshepsut
Queen Hatshepsut was the only female who be the pharaoh ruler in the Egypt ancient history, she was a very successful queen, and her ruled time was full of prosperity and peace, she expanded the routes of trading to the Punty “today called Somalia” and her accomplishments is in the carvings which immortalized in her temple, The Queen Hatshepsut Temple also known by “The Deir El-Bahri Temple” is the most distinctive in Egypt because of its decorations and way of design, the temple of Hatshepsut was built from limestone, not like the other temples during new Kingdom which were built from sandstone, “Selimut” who was the architect and built it, he inspired in the design of the temple by the temple of the mortuary beside it during (12th Dynasty), Hatshepsut Temple was built during the 18th Dynasty to be the queen funerary temple.
They suggest that is the Hatshepsut temple was used in the first Christian time as a Coptic monastery and it was called the Northern monastery but today it is called as Temple of “Deir El-Bahri” which mean by Arabic the “Northern monastery, the unique design of the Hatshepsut temple reflects that there are a conflict between queen Hatshepsut and her nephew and Tuthmosis III because damaged for most of Hatshepsut’s Cartouches after her mysterious death.

Hatshepsut Temple
Hatshepsut Temple
Located in Luxor and Hatshepsut Temple consists of 3 terraces, the two lower ones, Hatshepsut temple consists of three imposing terraces, The lower two have once full of trees, at the south end of the first colonnade you will find scenes of the famous Hatshepsut’s 2 obelisks, at the northern side the scene represents Hatshepsut offering 4 calves for Amon Ra.
At the southern side it is the Goddess Hathor’s shrine, then the court and the columns where Hathor is shown with cow’s ears and woman’s face and carrying a sistrum, but in this part the king Tuthmosis III erased the names of the queen.
On the north side of the second colonnade, you will see the scene of the Queen Hatshepsut divine birth, and it claimed that Hatshepsut was the legit daughter of Amon Ra.
Queen Hatshepsut is a really sightseeing deserve to discover by you.
[tb_google_map address=”Temple of Hatshepsut, Egypt.” height=”250px” zoom=”16″]
Check also in Luxor: The Temple of Karnak, Valley of the Kings, The Colossi of Memnon.